Definition 2025





घट् (ghaṭ)

  1. cl.1 Ā. °टते (exceptionally P. °ति MBh. iii, 14703 Vet. ii, 9/10 ; जघटे, घटिष्यते [Naish.], अघटिष्ट Bhaṭṭ.), to be intently occupied about, be busy with, strive or endeavour after, exert one's self for (loc. dat. acc. [MBh. iii, 14703], प्रति, -अर्थम् and अर्थे ; inf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 65 Bhaṭṭ.)
  2. to reach, come to (loc.) Vet. ii, 9/10
  3. to fall to the share of (loc.) Naish. x, 47
  4. to take effect, answer Kathās. cxxiv Rājat. vi, 361
  5. to happen, take place, be possible, suit BhP. Hcar. Ṡiṡ. ix, 4 Ratnâv. Naish. Sarvad. &c.
  6. to be in connection or united with (instr.) Mālatīm. ii, 8 Daṡ. viii, 34 Rājat. iv, 617
  7. (for √ घट्ट्) to hurt with words, speak of malignantly Hariv. ii, 1, 31 : Caus. P. घटयति (Pāṇ. 6-4, 92 ; exceptionally Ā. °ते Rājat. iv, 543), to join together, connect, bring together, unite Suṡr. Ṡiṡ. ix, 87 Naish. i, 46 Ratnâv.
  8. to shut Hcar. v, 253 (v.l.)
  9. to put or place or lay on (loc.) Gīt. v, vii, xii
  10. to bring near, procure Bhartṛ. iii, 18 Amar. Kathās. xviii Vet.
  11. to effect, accomplish, produce, make, form, fashion Mṛicch. VarBṛ. Pañcat. &c.
  12. to do a service (acc.) to any one (gen.) Rājat. v, 543
  13. to impel Bhaṭṭ. x, 73
  14. to exert one's self MBh. iii, 14702
  15. (for √ घट्ट्, Caus.) to rub, graze, touch, move, agitate iv, vi (C), vii, xii ( 5363, C) : Caus. घाटयति, to hurt, injure Dhātup. xxxiii, 49
  16. to unite or put together ib.
  17. ‘to speak’ or ‘to shine’ 93.

Derived terms

  • घट (ghaṭa)
  • घटक (ghaṭaka)
  • घटन (ghaṭana)
  • घटित (ghaṭita)