Definition 2024





चेतस् (cétas) n

  1. splendour
  2. consciousness, intelligence, thinking soul, heart, mind
    • RV 5.73.6b
      युवोर अत्रिश चिकेतति नरा सुम्नेन चेतसा |
      घर्मं यद वाम अरेपसं नासत्यास्ना भुरण्यति ||
      yuvor atriś ciketati narā sumnena cetasā |
      gharmaṃ yad vām arepasaṃ nāsatyāsnā bhuraṇyati ||
      Atri bethinks himself of you, O Heroes, with a friendly mind,
      What time, Nāsatyas, with his mouth he stirs the spotless flame for you.
    • RV 9.83.2d
      तपोष पवित्रं विततं दिवस पदे शोचन्तो अस्य तन्तवो वयस्थिरन |
      अवन्त्यस्य पवीतारमाशवो दिवस पर्ष्ठमधितिष्ठन्ति चेतसा ||
      tapoṣ pavitraṃ vitataṃ divas pade śocanto asya tantavo vyasthiran |
      avantyasya pavītāramāśavo divas pṛṣṭhamadhitiṣṭhanti cetasā ||
      High in the seat of heaven is spread the Scorcher's sieve: its threads are standing separate, glittering with light.
      The Swift Ones favour him who purifieth this: with consciousness they stand upon the height of heaven.
  3. will


  • अचेतस् (acetas) (a-cetás)
  • दभ्रचेतस् (dabhracetas) (dabhrá-cetas)
  • प्रचेतस् (pracetas), (prá-cetas)
  • लघुचेतस् (laghucetas) (laghu-cetas)
  • विचेतस् (vicetas) (ví-cetas)
  • सचेतस् (sacetas) (sá-cetas)
  • सुचेतस् (sucetas) (su-cétas)


  • Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1898) A Sanskrit-English dictionary etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 0398