Definition 2025





मन्यते (mányate) (cl.8.4. A1. root √man)

  1. to think, believe, imagine, suppose, conjecture
  2. to regard or consider anyone or anything (accusative) as
  3. to think one's self or be thought to be, appear as, pass for
  4. to be of opinion, think fit or right
  5. to agree or be of the same opinion with
  6. to set the heart or mind on, honour, esteem, hope or wish for
  7. to think of (in prayer etc., either "to remember, meditate on" , or "mention, declare", or "excogitate, invent")
  8. to perceive, observe, learn, know, understand, comprehend
  9. to offer, present
  10. (causative) to honour, esteem, value highly
  11. (desiderative) to reflect upon, consider, examine, investigate
  12. (desiderative) to cali in question, doubt ("with regard to" +locative)