Definition 2025



See also: रचना



रचन (racana) n

  1. the act of making, forming, arranging, preparing, composing Kāv.
  2. mostly f( आ). arrangement, disposition, management, accomplishment, performance, preparation, production, fabrication MBh. Kāv. &c.
  3. a literary production, work, composition VarBṛS. Sāh.
  4. style Sāh.
  5. putting on, wearing (of a garment) Mṛicch.
  6. arrangement (of troops), array Pañcat.
  7. contrivance, invention Kathās. BhP.
  8. a creation of the mind, artificial image Jaim.
  9. fixing the feathers on an arrow L.
  10. dressing the hair (cf. केश-र्°) L.
  11. stringing flowers or garlands W. (often ifc. with concrete meaning e.g. निवास-रेचना, a building Mṛicch. ; गीति-रचना, a song Rājat. ; कूट-रचना, an artifice, trick Kathās. ; accord. to L. also = परि-स्पन्द or परि-स्यन्द, प्रति-यत्न, ग्रन्थन, गुम्फ, व्यूह, निवेश, स्थिति ; also = पाश, भार &c., abundance, quantity ifc. after a word meaning ‘hair’ ; cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 44 Sch.)