Definition 2025





रुच् (ruc)

  1. cl.1 Ā. (Dhātup. xviii, 5) रोचते (Ved. and ep. also °ति ; pf. रुरोच, रुरुचे RV. &c. ; Subj. रुरुचन्त Pot. रुरुच्यास् RV. ; p. रुरुक्वस्, रुरुचान ib. ; aor. अरुचत् Rājat. ; अरोचिष्ट Br. &c. ; अरुक्त TA1r. ; p. रुचान RV. ; aor. Pass. अरोचि RV. ; Prec. रुचीय TA1r. ; रोचिषीय Br. ; रुचिषीय AV. ; fut. रोचिता Gr. ; रोचिष्यते MBh. ; inf. रोचितुम् ib. ; रुचे RV. ; ind.p. रुचित्वा or रोचित्वा Pāṇ. 1-2, 26), to shine, be bright or radiant or resplendent RV. &c.
  2. (only in pf. P.) to make bright or resplendent RV.
  3. to be splendid or beautiful or good AV. Mn. MBh. &c.
  4. to be agreeable to, please (dat. or gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.
  5. to be pleased with, like (acc.) MBh. R.
  6. to be desirous of, long for (dat.) Hariv. : Caus. रोचयति, °ते (aor. अरूरुचत्, °चत ; Pass. रोच्यते), to cause to shine RV.
  7. to enlighten, illuminate, make bright ib. ṠBr. BhP.
  8. to make pleasant or beautiful AV. AitBr. Kum.
  9. to cause any one (acc.) to long for anything (dat.) Gīt.
  10. to find pleasure in, like, approve, deem anything right (acc. or inf.) Mn. MBh. &c.
  11. to choose as (double acc.) R.
  12. to purpose, intend Hariv.
  13. (Pass.) to be pleasant or agreeable to (dat.) R. : Desid. रुरुचिषते or रुरोचिषते Gr.: Intens. (only p. रोरुचान) to shine brightRV. [cf. Gk. λευκός, ἀμφιλύκη ; lux, luceo, luna, lumen ; Goth. liuhath, lauhmuni ; Germ. lioht, lieht, licht ; Angl.Sax. leo4ht ; Eng. light.]

Derived terms


  • Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1898) A Sanskrit-English dictionary etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 0881