Definition 2025
रुच् • (ruc)
- cl.1 Ā. (Dhātup. xviii, 5) रोचते (Ved. and ep. also °ति ; pf. रुरोच, रुरुचे RV. &c. ; Subj. रुरुचन्त Pot. रुरुच्यास् RV. ; p. रुरुक्वस्, रुरुचान ib. ; aor. अरुचत् Rājat. ; अरोचिष्ट Br. &c. ; अरुक्त TA1r. ; p. रुचान RV. ; aor. Pass. अरोचि RV. ; Prec. रुचीय TA1r. ; रोचिषीय Br. ; रुचिषीय AV. ; fut. रोचिता Gr. ; रोचिष्यते MBh. ; inf. रोचितुम् ib. ; रुचे RV. ; ind.p. रुचित्वा or रोचित्वा Pāṇ. 1-2, 26), to shine, be bright or radiant or resplendent RV. &c.
- (only in pf. P.) to make bright or resplendent RV.
- to be splendid or beautiful or good AV. Mn. MBh. &c.
- to be agreeable to, please (dat. or gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- to be pleased with, like (acc.) MBh. R.
- to be desirous of, long for (dat.) Hariv. : Caus. रोचयति, °ते (aor. अरूरुचत्, °चत ; Pass. रोच्यते), to cause to shine RV.
- to enlighten, illuminate, make bright ib. ṠBr. BhP.
- to make pleasant or beautiful AV. AitBr. Kum.
- to cause any one (acc.) to long for anything (dat.) Gīt.
- to find pleasure in, like, approve, deem anything right (acc. or inf.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- to choose as (double acc.) R.
- to purpose, intend Hariv.
- (Pass.) to be pleasant or agreeable to (dat.) R. : Desid. रुरुचिषते or रुरोचिषते Gr.: Intens. (only p. रोरुचान) to shine brightRV. [cf. Gk. λευκός, ἀμφιλύκη ; lux, luceo, luna, lumen ; Goth. liuhath, lauhmuni ; Germ. lioht, lieht, licht ; Angl.Sax. leo4ht ; Eng. light.]
Derived terms
- रुचि (ruci)
- Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1898) A Sanskrit-English dictionary etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 0881