Definition 2025
लम्ब् • (lamb)
- (cf. √1. रम्ब्) cl.1 Ā. (Dhātup. x, 15) लम्बते (mc. also °ति ; pf. ललम्बे MBh. &c. ; aor. अलम्बिष्ट Gr. ; fut. लम्बिता ib. ; लम्बिष्यति MBh. ; inf. लम्बितुम् ib. ; ind.p. -लम्ब्य ib.), to hang down, depend, dangle, hang from or on (loc.) Suparṇ. MBh. &c.
- to sink, go down, decline, fall, set (as the sun) MBh. Kāv. &c.
- to be fastened or attached to, cling to, hold or rest on (loc.) ib.
- to fall or stay behind, be retarded Sūryas.
- to tag, loiter, delay, tarry MBh. : Caus. लम्बयति (aor. अललम्बत्), to cause to hang down or depend, let down Kathās.
- to hang up, suspend ib.
- to cause to be attached or joined MW.
- to stretch out, extend (the hand) for (dat.) Ragh.
- (prob.) to depress, discourage MBh. i, 1445 (C. लङ्घयित्वा for लम्बयित्वा): Desid. लिलम्बिषते, to be about to sink or decline Hcar. v.l. ([cf. Gk. λοβός ; Lat. labi, labare, labes ; Germ. lappa, Lappen ; Eng. lap, limp.])
Derived terms
- लम्ब (lamba)
- Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1898) A Sanskrit-English dictionary etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 0897