Definition 2025
हा • (√hā) {class 3 root)
- cl.3 P. (Dhātup. xxv, 8) जहाति (rarely cl.1. जहति 3. du. जह्ल्तः Impv. जहिहि [or जहाहि Pāṇ. 6-4, 117] ; जहीतात् AV. ; Pot. जह्यात् AV. etc. ; pf. जहौ, जहुः RV. etc. ; जहे Br. ; aor. अहात् ib. etc. ; अहासीत् Gr. ; 3. sg. अहास् RV. ; अहासि AV. ; हासिष्ट ib., ; fut. हाता Gr. ; हास्यति, °ते AV. etc., जहिष्यति MBh. etc. ; inf. हातुम् ib. ; ind.p. हित्वा. [q.v.] RV. etc. ; हित्वी °त्वाय RV. ; -हीत्वा Gr. ; -हाय Br., हीयम् TS.), to leave, abandon, desert, quit, forsake, relinquish (with शरीरम्, देहम्, प्राणान्, असून्, ज्वितम् etc. - ‘to die’).
- to discharge, emit.
- to put away, take off, remove, lay aside, give up, renounce, resign, avoid, shun, abstain or refrain from.
- to disregard, neglect.
- to lose, be deprived of.
- to get rid of. escape from.
- to cause to emit (with शर्धम्, ‘to cause to break wind’) Vop. : Pass. हीयते or हीयते (ep. also हीयति ; aor. अहायि), to be left or abandoned or deserted.
- to be left behind, fall short of (abl.).
- to be excluded from or bereft of (abl. or instr. ; with प्राणैः, ‘to die’).
- to be overtaken by (instr.).
- to be deficient or wanting, suffer loss or injury, fail (also in a lawsuit), decrease, wane, decline, come to an end.
- to weigh less (at the ordeal of the balance).
- to be given up or avoided. (v.l.)
- to be subtracted.
- to become detached from (with abl. or instr.), fall out (as hair) BhP. : Caus. हापयति (mc. also °ते aor. अजीहपत् ; -जीहिपः RV.), to cause to leave or abandon.
- to omit, neglect.
- to fall short of. be wanting in (acc.).
- to give up ( असून्, ‘life’).
- to lose ( कालम्, ‘time’).
- to abandon ( प्रतिज्ञाम्, ‘a thesis’) Jātakam. : Desid. जिहासति, to wish to leave or abandon.
- to wish to reject or disdain.
- to wish to escape Sarvad. : Intens. जेहीयते, जाहाति, जाहेति Gr.
Derived terms
- हानि (hāni)
हा • (hā)
हा • (hā)
- Root of the verb जहाति
- Root of the verb हीयते
- Monier William's Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 2nd Ed. 1899.