Definition 2025





ยาม (yaam)

  1. any of the eight parts of the day (period of twenty-four hours), consisting of three hours each.
  2. any of the three parts of the night, consisting of four hours each, called pathommayam (ปฐมยาม), matchimayam (มัชฌิมยาม, and patchimayam (ปัจฉิมยาม), respectively.
  3. (astrological) any of the eight parts of the day (period between sunrise and sunset), consisting of one and a half hours each, called suriya (สุริยะ), sukkra (ศุกระ), phuttha (พุธะ), chanthao (จันเทา), saori (เสารี), khru (ครู), phumma (ภุมมะ), and suriya (สุริยะ), respectively.
  4. (astrological) any of the eight parts of the night, consisting of one and a half hours each, called rawi (รวี), chiwo (ชีโว), sasi (ศศิ), sukkro (ศุโกร), phummo (ภุมโม), soro (โสโร), phuttho (พุโธ), and rawi (รวิ), rspectively.
  5. moment, time.
  6. guard, security, sentry, watchman.