Definition 2025
ยาม • (yaam)
- any of the eight parts of the day (period of twenty-four hours), consisting of three hours each.
- any of the three parts of the night, consisting of four hours each, called pathommayam (ปฐมยาม), matchimayam (มัชฌิมยาม, and patchimayam (ปัจฉิมยาม), respectively.
- (astrological) any of the eight parts of the day (period between sunrise and sunset), consisting of one and a half hours each, called suriya (สุริยะ), sukkra (ศุกระ), phuttha (พุธะ), chanthao (จันเทา), saori (เสารี), khru (ครู), phumma (ภุมมะ), and suriya (สุริยะ), respectively.
- (astrological) any of the eight parts of the night, consisting of one and a half hours each, called rawi (รวี), chiwo (ชีโว), sasi (ศศิ), sukkro (ศุโกร), phummo (ภุมโม), soro (โสโร), phuttho (พุโธ), and rawi (รวิ), rspectively.
- moment, time.
- guard, security, sentry, watchman.