Definition 2025
Primitive Irish
ᚕᚑᚔ (koi)
- here (with a verb like “lies” or “is buried” understood)
- BLTAG/2/1 at the Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
- ᚛ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ ᚔᚐᚏᚔ ᚕᚑᚔ ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ ᚋᚒᚉᚉᚑᚔ ᚇᚑᚃᚃᚔᚅᚔᚐᚄ᚜
- maqqi iari koi maqqi muccoi dovvinias
- The son of Iar [lies] here, son of the tribe of Dovinias
- ᚛ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ ᚔᚐᚏᚔ ᚕᚑᚔ ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ ᚋᚒᚉᚉᚑᚔ ᚇᚑᚃᚃᚔᚅᚔᚐᚄ᚜
- BLTAG/9/1
- ᚛ᚅᚓᚈᚈᚐᚂᚐᚋᚔᚅᚐᚉᚉᚐ ᚕᚑᚔ ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ ᚋᚒᚉᚑᚔ ᚇᚑᚃ[···
- nettalaminacca koi maqqi mucoi dov[...
- Netta-Laminacca [lies] here, son of the tribe of Dov[inias]
- ᚛ᚅᚓᚈᚈᚐᚂᚐᚋᚔᚅᚐᚉᚉᚐ ᚕᚑᚔ ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ ᚋᚒᚉᚑᚔ ᚇᚑᚃ[···
- BLTAG/2/1 at the Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
Usage notes
This is a formula word, uniquely spelled with the supplementary character ᚕ (k). It seems to be equivalent to the Latin formula hic iacet (“here lies”).
- Eska, Joseph F. (1990). “The deictic pronomial ḱey in Celtic”. Celtica 21:153–55.
- McManus, Damian (1991). A Guide to Ogam, Maynooth Monographs 4. Maynooth: An Sagart, p. 81. ISBN 9781870684170.