Definition 2025





DA i s A24

ḏ3js masculine

  1. argument
  2. civil war

Usage notes

There is an alternative hieroglyphic writing with a spearman determinative, which is used specifically for the civil war meaning.


sing. ḏ3js
dual ḏ3jswj
plural ḏ3jsw


DA A i s A2

ḏ3js strong quadriliteral

  1. (intransitive) argue (with: ḥnˤ)
  2. (transitive) oppose


ḏ3js: Quadriliteral (4-lit)
Base Stem: ḏ3js Geminated Stem: ------ Imperative: ḏ3js
Suffix Forms (1) Participles(10)
Active Passive Active Passive Relative
Perfective (2) ḏ3js ḏ ḏ3js ḏ3js(w) (11) / ḏ3jsy ḏ3js
Imperfective (3) ḏ3js ḏ ḏ3js(j)/ḏ3jsy ḏ3js(w) (11) ḏ3js(w) (11) / ḏ3jsy
Perfect ḏ3js.n ḏ ------ ------ ḏ3js.n
Prospective ḏ3js(w) / ḏ3jsy ḏ3js(w) / ḏ3jsy ḏ (9) ------ ------
Subjunctive ḏ3js ḏ Stative
Passive ------ ḏ3js(w) / ḏ3jsy Singular Plural
"Consequential"(4) ḏ3js.jn ḏ 1st Person ḏ ḏ3js.wjn
"Necessitive"(5) ḏ3js.ḫr ḏ3js.ḫ 2nd person ḏ ḏ3js.tjwjn
"Future Consequential"(6) ḏ3js.k3 ḏ 3rd person (masc) ḏ3js.w / ḏ3jsy ḏ3js.wj
Old Perfect (7) ḏ3jst ḏ3jsyt 3rd person (fem) ḏ
Infinitival forms
Infinitive ḏ3js Negatival Complement ḏ3js(w) Complementary Infinitive(8) ḏ3jst

1) All of these forms can display their subject using the suffix pronouns (and they frequently do)
2) Otherwise known as the "Indicative"
3) Otherwise known as the "Circumstantial"
4) No formal name - usually referred to as the "sḏm.jn"
5) No formal name - usually referred to as the "sḏm.ḫr"
6) No formal name - usually referred to as the "sḏm.k3"
7) Otherwise known as the "sḏmt"
8) Rare & Archaic
9) Declines using third person suffix pronouns: masc.: .fj, fem: .sj & plural: .sn
10) Decline like adjectives
11) -w only appears in the masculine singular