Definition 2025
See also: しょうご
Adjectival noun
しょうこ (-tari inflection, romaji shōko)
しょうこ (romaji shōko)
- 匠戸: an artisan household during the Yuan and Ming dynasties
- 召呼, 招呼: inviting someone, summoning someone, calling someone to come
- 商賈, 商沽, 商估: business, doing business; a businessperson
- 小姑: a young woman; a husband's younger sister; a husband's sisters in general
- 小戸: a small house; a poor house; a person who cannot drink much alcohol, a lightweight drinker
- 小故: a minor event; a petty reason
- 小鼓: a small drum
- 尚古: respect or honor for ancient writings, society, or culture
- 荘庫, 庄庫: a storehouse for holding grain collected as taxes by local manor lords
- 掌故: an official in China's Han Dynasty who oversaw court etiquette and music
- 沼湖: swamps and lakes
- 照顧: reflecting upon, considering carefully
- 称呼: one's name or appellation, how one is called
- 簫鼓: flutes and drums
- 証拠: proof, evidence
- 鉦鼓: a taiko drum used to signal troops in battle; a small gong used in gagaku music; a round bronze gong or bell used in residential Buddhist temples to signal various times during the day
- 鐘鼓: bells and drums