- 裏切る (uragiru): betray, double-cross
- 区切る, 句切る (kugiru): punctuate, cut off
- 仕切る (shikiru): partition, divide
- 千切る (chigiru): cut up fine, pick
- 値切る (negiru): drive a bargain, haggle
- 封切る (fūkiru, fūgiru): release
- 間切る (magiru): plow through
- 見切る (mikiru): see everything, abandon
- 横切る (yokogiru): cross, traverse
- 打ち切る, 打切る (uchikiru): stop, abort
- 買い切る (kaikiru): buy up
- 掻き切る, かき切る (kakikiru): cut, slit
- 貸し切る (kashikiru): reserve, charter
- 掻っ切る (kakkiru): cut, slit
- 噛み切る, かみ切る (kamikiru): bite off, gnaw through
- 借り切る (karikiru): reserve
- 食い切る (kuikiru): bite through, eat up
- 困り切る (komarikiru): be greatly perplexed
- 締め切る 閉め切る (shimekiru): close up, shut up
- 澄み切る (sumikiru): be serene
- 擦り切る, 摩り切る, 擦切る (surikiru): cut by rubbing, wear out
- 叩き切る, たたき切る (tatakikiru): mangle, hack down
- 立て切る (tatekiru): close tight
- 突っ切る (tsukkiru): cross, go across
- 詰め切る, 詰切る (tsumekiru): be or remain always on hand
- 取り切る, 取切る (torikiru): take completely, block off
- 擦り切る (nigarikiru): look disgusted
- 逃げ切る (nigekiru): get away, manage to hold on
- 捩じ切る, 捩切る (nejikiru): twist off
- 乗っ切る (nokkiru): (archaic) overcome, get through
- 乗り切る (nirikiru): weather, get over
- 剪み切る, 挟み切る (hasamikiru): nip off, snip
- 払い切る (haraikiru): pay off completely
- 踏み切る (fumikiru): make a bold start, take a plunge
- 振り切る (furikiru): shake off, shake free from
- 守り切る (mamorikiru): hold on to something
- 持ち切る (mochikiru): hold all the while
- 焼き切る (yakikiru): burn off
- 寄り切る (yorikiru): (sumo) force someone out of the ring
- 割り切る, 割切る (warikiru): divide, give a clear explanation
- 押し切る, 押切る (oshikiru): face down the opposition
- 思い切る (omoikiru): give up all thoughts of, abandon
- 噛み切る, かみ切る (kamikiru): bite off, gnaw through
- 断ち切る, 断切る, 截ち切る, 裁ち切る (tachikiru): cut apart
- ちょん切る (chongiru): chop something off
- ぶった切る, 打った切る, 打っ手切る (buttagiru): chop
- 息急き切る, 息せき切る (ikisekikiru): pant, gasp
- 取り仕切る, 取仕切る (torishikiru): run or operate a business
- 打っ千切る (butchigiru): win by a wide margin
- 食い千切る (kuichigiru): bite off
- 角に切る (kaku ni kiru): cut into squares
- 縁を切る (en o kiru): get a divorce, sever connections
- 風を切る (kaze o kiru): go flying along
- 首を切る (kubi o kiru): fire from a job, dismiss
- 句を切る (ku o kiru): punctuate a sentence
- 芯を切る (shin o kiru): trim a wick
- 手を切る (te o kiru): cut off a relationship
- 波を切る (nami o kiru): cut one's way through the waves
- 縁を切る (fū o kiru): break the seal
- 髪を切る, 髮を切る (kami o kiru): cut hair
- しらを切る, 白を切る (shira o kiru): feign ignorance
- せきを切る, 堰を切る, 関を切る (seki o kiru): break a dam and gush forth
- 切符を切る (kippu o kiru): punch a ticket
- 口火を切る (kuchibi o kiru): start a conversation
- 十字を切る (jūji o kiru): make the sign of the cross
- 啖呵を切る (tanka o kiru): speak sharply
- 手刀を切る (tegatana o kiru): (sumo) make ceremonial hand movement
- 電源を切る (dengen o kiru): turn off power
- 電話を切る (denwa o kiru): hang up a telephone
- 見得を切る (mie o kiru): assume a posture, pose
- 身銭を切る (mizeni o kiru): use one's own money
- 火蓋を切る (hibita o kiru): start
- 自腹を切る (jibara o kiru): pay for with your own money
- シャッターを切る (shattā o kiru): release a camera shutter
- スタートを切る (sutāto o kiru): make a start
- テープを切る (tēpu o kiru): breast the tape
- パーティションを切る (pātishon o kiru): (comp) partition
- メンチを切る (menchi o kiru): stare at, glare at
- 大見得を切る (ōmie o kiru): declare impressively
- 肩で風を切る (kata de kaze o kiru): swagger about
- 大根を繊に切る (daikon o sen ni kiru): cut a radish into fine strips