Definition 2025
Kanji in this term | |
天 | 狐 |
てん Grade: 1 |
こ Hyōgaiji |
on'yomi |
天狐 (hiragana てんこ, romaji tenko)
- (mythology, Shintō): A heavenly/celestial fox; a nine-tail fox said to be the most powerful form of the kitsune: Once they turn 1,000-years-old, they gain all nine of their tails, turn a golden color, and ascend to the heavens, where they become celestial foxes.
Coordinate terms
- 善狐 (zenko) "good foxes," sometimes simply called "Inari-Foxes"
- 野狐 (yako, or also known as nogitsune) wild fox
- 妖狐 (ようこ, yōko) a "demon fox," (a kitsune)
- 九尾の狐 (きゅうびのきつね, kyūbi no kitsune) a "nine-tailed fox"
- 九尾の妖狐 (きゅうびのようこ, kyūbi no yōko) a "nine-tailed demon fox"
- 狐の嫁入り (きつねのよめいり, kitsune no yomeiri) rain shower while the sun shines
- 狐火 (きつねび, kitsunebi) "will o' the wisp