Definition 2025




Kanji in this term
Grade: 4


浴びる (transitive and intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana あびる, romaji abiru)

  1. bathe, shower, take a bath
    風呂 (ふろ) ()びてくる。
    O-furo o abite kuru.
    I'll take a bath.
    シャワーを ()びてくる。
    Shawā o abite kuru.
    I'll take a shower.
  2. to pour or have something poured on oneself; be bathed, bask (in sunlight)
    日光 (にっこう) ()びる体内時計 (たいないどけい)がリセットされる。
    Nikkō o abiru to tainaidokei ga risetto sareru.
    Exposure to sunlight resets the biological clock.
  3. be washed (by the waves)
  4. to suffer (e.g. an attack); to have abuse heaped upon; to draw criticism upon oneself
    罵声 (ばせい) ()びることもある。
    Basei o abiru koto mo aru.
    Sometimes you get jeered at.
    集中砲火 (しゅうちゅうほうか) ()びる
    Shūchū hōka o abiru.
    To come under concentrated fire. (literally or figuratively)

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