Definition 2025



See also: ять and -ять


Alternative forms


-ать or -а́ть (-atʹ or -átʹ)

  1. The infinitive suffix for many verbs. Usually indicates an imperfective verb.
  2. Used in place of -я́ть (-játʹ) after the hushing sibilants ш щ ч ж, when used to derive imperfective verbs from prefixed perfective verbs in -ить (-itʹ). Always stressed.
    ме́тить impf (métitʹ, to mark)поме́тить pf (pométitʹ, to mark, to date)помеча́ть impf (pomečátʹ)
  3. Used to derive imperfective verbs from certain classes of prefixed perfective verbs (e.g. class 6 and 7). It is added to the underlying stem, which may not be apparent in the infinitive and may appear in the present tense (in class 7 verbs such as напа́сть (napástʹ), underlying stem напа́д- visible in present 1st singular нападу́ (napadú)) or may not (in class 3 verbs in -нуть, e.g. поки́нуть (pokínutʹ), underlying stem поки́д–). Always stressed (which may be the only difference between the perfective and imperfective forms).
    грызть impf (gryztʹ, to gnaw)обгры́зть pf (obgrýztʹ, to gnaw around)обгрыза́ть impf (obgryzátʹ)
    пасть impf (pastʹ, to fall)напа́сть pf (napástʹ, to fall on, to attack) (underlying stem напа́д-) → напада́ть impf (napadátʹ)
    ре́зать impf (rézatʹ, to cut, to carve)разре́зать pf (razrézatʹ, to cut off)разреза́ть impf (razrezátʹ)
    ки́нуть impf (kínutʹ, to throw)поки́нуть pf (pokínutʹ, to leave, to abandon) (underlying stem поки́д-) → покида́ть impf (pokidátʹ)

See also