Definition 2025
Alternative forms
- -ять (-jatʹ)
-ать or -а́ть • (-atʹ or -átʹ)
- The infinitive suffix for many verbs. Usually indicates an imperfective verb.
- Used in place of -я́ть (-játʹ) after the hushing sibilants ш щ ч ж, when used to derive imperfective verbs from prefixed perfective verbs in -ить (-itʹ). Always stressed.
- Used to derive imperfective verbs from certain classes of prefixed perfective verbs (e.g. class 6 and 7). It is added to the underlying stem, which may not be apparent in the infinitive and may appear in the present tense (in class 7 verbs such as напа́сть (napástʹ), underlying stem напа́д- visible in present 1st singular нападу́ (napadú)) or may not (in class 3 verbs in -нуть, e.g. поки́нуть (pokínutʹ), underlying stem поки́д–). Always stressed (which may be the only difference between the perfective and imperfective forms).
- грызть impf (gryztʹ, “to gnaw”) → обгры́зть pf (obgrýztʹ, “to gnaw around”) → обгрыза́ть impf (obgryzátʹ)
- пасть impf (pastʹ, “to fall”) → напа́сть pf (napástʹ, “to fall on, to attack”) (underlying stem напа́д-) → напада́ть impf (napadátʹ)
- ре́зать impf (rézatʹ, “to cut, to carve”) → разре́зать pf (razrézatʹ, “to cut off”) → разреза́ть impf (razrezátʹ)
- ки́нуть impf (kínutʹ, “to throw”) → поки́нуть pf (pokínutʹ, “to leave, to abandon”) (underlying stem поки́д-) → покида́ть impf (pokidátʹ)