Webster 1913 Edition



A suffix composed of -able and the adverbial suffix -ly; as, favorably.

Definition 2025



See also: ably


Alternative forms



  1. Used to form adverbs corresponding to adjectives that end in -able.

Usage notes

Generally only used to form analogs to adjectives ending in -able, replacing the existing -able. Rather than a distinct suffix, this can be considered a class of euphonic blends of -ble and -ly, as in feebly, nimbly, and nobly, among others. Compare -ability, which is more strictly an analog, originating in parallel borrowings from French, sometimes Latin.

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:English_words_suffixed_with_-ably'>English words suffixed with -ably</a>


  1. Laurence Urdang (editor), The Random House College Dictionary (Random House, 1984 [1975], ISBN 0-394-43600-8), page 4