Definition 2025
Scottish Gaelic
- Forming nouns from nouns and adjectives with the sense of ‘person or thing connected or involved with, belonging to, having’
- seinn ("sing") → seinne ("singing") + -adair → seinneadair ("singer")
- cluich ("play", "performance") → cluiche ("playing", "performing") + -adair → cluicheadair ("player", "actor")
- aoir ("lampoon", "satire") → aoire ("lampooning") + -adair → aoireadair ("satirist")
- Forming nouns from verbs with the sense of ‘person or thing which does’
- leugh ("read") + -adair → leughadair ("reader")
- sgrìobh ("write") + -adair → sgrìobhadair ("writer")
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Scottish_Gaelic_words_suffixed_with_-adair'>Scottish Gaelic words suffixed with -adair</a>