Definition 2025



See also: -ittäin



-ittain (front vowel harmony variant -ittäin)

  1. Forms adverbs from nouns or numerals, that express a multiple of a quantity, often translated as by the or in their into English.
    Me myymme ostereita tusinoittain.
    We sell oysters by the dozen.
    Aukiolle kokoontui tuhansittain ihmisiä.
    People gathered on the square in their thousands.
  2. Forms adverbs from adjectives, that express a manner of doing something.
    Hän äänsi nimensä ruotsalaisittain.
    He pronounced his name in a Swedish way.
  3. Forms adverbs from adjectives, that expresse a point of view.
    Suomalaisittain Vancouverin olympialaiset menivät surkeasti.
    From the Finnish point of view the Vancouver Olympics went really badly.

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Finnish_words_suffixed_with_-ittain'>Finnish words suffixed with -ittain</a>