Definition 2024


1@Nose-FingerBack 1@FromNose-FingerForward

American Sign Language

Alternative forms

  • The finger may begin pointing across to the nose rather than back to the nose.
  • After touching the nose, the finger may be drawn back near the cheek and then flung forward forcibly.


  • This one-handed ASL sign is usually made while twisting the head from side to side (the typical “no” headshake):
    1. Posture the hand in the “1” handshape with the finger tip touching the nose.
    2. Hold the hand still briefly.
    3. Twist the hand forward so the finger points forward and slightly down.
    4. Hold the hand still briefly.


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  1. not to mind; not to care; to be indifferent

Related terms

  • FlatO@Nose-FingerBack Claw5@FromNose-PalmForward (don't care)


Upload png, jpg, or gif image. (ASL gloss: INDIFFERENT)

  1. indifferent; nonchalant