Definition 2025
A@Side-PalmForward S@Side-PalmForward L@Side-PalmForward
American Sign Language
- This one-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
- Posture the dominant hand in the “A” handshape about half an arm's length in front of the shoulder, palm facing forward.
- Posture the dominant hand in the “S” handshape about half an arm's length in front of the shoulder, palm facing forward.
- Posture the dominant hand in the “L” handshape about half an arm's length in front of the shoulder, palm facing forward.
Proper noun
(ASL gloss: ASL)
- (American Sign Language; ASL): (rare) A@InsideChesthigh-A@InsideChesthigh CirclesMidline-CirclesMidline L@Thumb-PalmDown-L@CenterChesthigh-PalmDown Twist-Twist L@FromThumb-PalmDown-L@InsideChesthigh-PalmDown