Definition 2025


A@Side-PalmForward S@Side-PalmForward L@Side-PalmForward

American Sign Language


  • This one-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the dominant hand in the “A” handshape about half an arm's length in front of the shoulder, palm facing forward.
    2. Posture the dominant hand in the “S” handshape about half an arm's length in front of the shoulder, palm facing forward.
    3. Posture the dominant hand in the “L” handshape about half an arm's length in front of the shoulder, palm facing forward.

Proper noun

(ASL gloss: ASL)

  1. American Sign Language; ASL


  • (American Sign Language; ASL): (rare) A@InsideChesthigh-A@InsideChesthigh CirclesMidline-CirclesMidline L@Thumb-PalmDown-L@CenterChesthigh-PalmDown Twist-Twist L@FromThumb-PalmDown-L@InsideChesthigh-PalmDown