
Satellite image showing most of the British Isles.
Proper noun
the British Isles
- (geography) A group of islands off the northwest coast of mainland Europe, including Great Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Wight, the Isles of Scilly, the Isle of Man, the Outer Hebrides, the Inner Hebrides, the Orkney Islands, the Shetland Islands and many other smaller islands. Use may include the Channel Islands, although these are physically closer to mainland Europe.
Usage notes
The term is sometimes seen as politically outdated, particularly in relation to Ireland, because the majority of Ireland is no longer (since 1922) part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. However, the political union of Great Britain derives its name from the land mass (i.e. the British Isles), rather than the other way round. The Romans named the islands "Britannia" and its inhabitants "Britons" in the 1st century BC, more than a millennium before the political union of Great Britain was conceived.
group of islands
- Arabic: اَلْجُزُر اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّة f pl (al-juzur al-biriṭāniyya)
- Armenian: Բրիտանական կղզիներ (Britanakan kłziner)
- Belarusian: Брытанскія астравы m pl (Brytánskija astravý)
- Bulgarian: Британски острови m pl (Británski óstrovi)
- Catalan: illes Britàniques (ca) f pl
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 不列顛諸島, 不列颠诸岛 (Bùlièdiān zhūdǎo), 英倫諸島, 英伦诸岛 (Yīnglún zhūdǎo)
- Czech: Britské ostrovy m pl
- Danish: Britiske Øer pl
- Dutch: Britse Eilanden pl
- Estonian: Briti saared
- Finnish: Britteinsaaret (fi)
- French: les îles Britanniques (fr) f pl
- German: Britische Inseln (de) f pl
- Greek: Βρετανικά Νησιά pl (Vretaniká Nisiá)
- Hindi:
- Hungarian: Brit-szigetek
- Icelandic: Bretlandseyjar (is) f pl
- Indonesian: Kepulauan Britania
- Irish: Éire agus an Bhreatain Mhór
- Italian: isole britanniche f pl, arcipelago britannico m
- Japanese: ブリテン諸島 (Buriten shotō), イギリス諸島 (Igirisu shotō)
- Korean: 브리튼 제도 (Beuriteun jedo), 영국 제도 (Yeongguk jedo)
- Latvian: Britu salas f pl
- Macedonian: Британски Острови m pl (Brítanski Óstrovi)
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: De britiske øyer pl
- Nynorsk: Dei britiske øyane pl
- Persian:
- Polish: Wyspy Brytyjskie (pl) f pl
- Portuguese: Ilhas Britânicas f pl
- Romanian: Insulele Britanice f pl
- Russian: Брита́нские острова́ (ru) m pl (Británskije ostrová)
- Slovak: Britské ostrovy m pl
- Slovene: Britansko otočje n
- Spanish: las Islas Británicas f pl
- Ukrainian: Британські острови m pl (Brytánsʹki ostrový)
- Vietnamese: quần đảo Anh
- Welsh: Ynysoedd Prydain
See Wikisaurus:British Isles.