Definition 2025


C@Sfhead-PalmForward-FlatB@InsideChestHigh-PalmAcross C@Palm-PalmForward-FlatB@CenterChesthigh-PalmAcross

American Sign Language


  • This two-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the nondominant hand in the “flat B” handshape about half arm's length in front of the nondominant side of the chest, palm facing across. Posture the dominant hand in the “C” shape at the dominant side of the forehead, near the temple, palm facing forward.
    2. Move both hands to contact each other in the following posture.
    3. Posture the nondominant hand in the “flat B” handshape in front of the center of the chest, palm facing across. Posture the dominant hand in the “C” shape with the dominant hand at the palm of the nondominant hand, radial (thumb-side) edge of the dominant hand facing across the body toward the nondominant side (contralaterally).
    4. Hold both hands briefly in this position.


(ASL gloss: PICTURE)

  1. picture; photograph; print
    1@Side-FingerRight2 A@NearChin 5@NearNose-PalmBack CircleSurface A@NearChin C@Sfhead-PalmForward-FlatB@InsideChestHigh-PalmAcross C@Palm-PalmForward-FlatB@CenterChesthigh-PalmAcross I@Side-FingerUp Twist I@Side-FingerAcross A@Side K@Side-FingerUp E@Side G@Side Y@Side L@Side L@Side E@Side N@Side H@Side-FingerAcross A@Side A@Side L@Side
    THAT BEAUTIFUL PICTURE J-A-K-E-G-Y-L-L-E-N-H-A-A-L. (“That is a beautiful picture of Jake Gyllenhaal.”)