Definition 2025


Cartesian product


Alternative forms

  • cartesian product


Cartesian product (plural Cartesian products)

  1. (set theory) The set of all possible pairs of elements whose components are members of two sets. Notation: .
  2. (databases) All possible combinations of rows between all of the tables listed.
  3. (geometry) The set of points in an (m + n)-dimensional Cartesian space corresponding to all possible pairs of points from the two sets from spaces of dimension m and n. Notation: .
    • 1987, M. Göckeler, T. Schücker, Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories, and Gravity, 1989, page 98,
      On the Cartesian product of two manifolds a differentiable structure can be constructed in the following way.
    • 1997, Michel Marie Deza, Monique Laurent, Geometry of Cuts and Metrics, 2009, page 297,
      The hypercube is the simplest example of a Cartesian product of graphs; indeed, the m-hypercube is nothing but (K2)m.
    • 2004, David Bao, Colleen Robles, Ricci and Flag Curvatures in Finsler Geometry, David Dai-Wai Bao, Robert L. Bryant, Shiing-Shen Chern, Zhomgmin Shen (editors), A Sampler of Riemann-Finsler Geometry, page 246,
      A moment's thought convinces us of the following:
      The Cartesian product of two Riemannian Einstein metrics with the same constant Ricci scalar ρ is again Ricci-constant, and has Ric = ρ.

