Definition 2025
Chicken Little
Proper noun
- A children’s fable about a hen who, in the traditional version, believes the sky is falling after an acorn hits her head. Also known by other names including The Sky is Falling.
- The main character in this story, a hysterical hen, alternatively named Chicken Licken under a different title.
- By extension, one who panics at the slightest provocation.
- 1982, Donald A. Marchand and Forest W. Horton, Information Management in Public Administration, Info Resources Press, ISBN 0878150382, page 118
- With so many “Chicken Littles” running around claiming the sky is about to fall, the men at the top normally cannot do much until “Henney Penney” [sic.] and “Foxy Loxy” have also started screaming for help, or there is a convergence of alarm signals from a number of unrelated sources within the organization.