Definition 2025




Adolf Hitler (German dictator)

Proper noun


  1. A surname of Austrian origin.
  2. Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany between 1933 and 1945.
    • 1964, David Hugh Freeman, A Philosophical Study of Religion:
      The question makes no sense, unless the questioner is satisfied with such answers as: Death is evil, pain is evil, Hitler is evil.
    • 1977, Peter Thomas Geach, Providence and Evil:
      Similarly, the description we give of God’s knowledge concerning Hitler has to be different after Hitler’s death; it is manifest that there has been a change on Hitler’s side, and that this, in view of the logic of omniscience, makes a difference to what we can truly say about God’s knowledge; ...
    • 1994, Karen A. Rasler, William R. Thompson, The great powers and global struggle, 1490-1990:
      Mueller is even less convincing in his suggestion that World War II might never have happened if Hitler had never been born.
    • 2007, Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion:
      People do evil things (Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein).

Derived terms



Hitler (plural Hitlers)

  1. (derogatory) An unnecessarily dictatorial person.
    • 1986, William Borman, Gandhi and Non-Violence:
      How does he support his position against the prima facie case in favor of the strongly counterintuitive claim that non-violence would necessarily defeat a Hitler?



  1. 2005, Jürgen Udolph, Sebastian Fitzek, Professor Udolphs Buch der Namen: Woher sie kommen, was sie bedeuten (C. Bertelsmann, München/Munich)
  2. expressed in e.g.: 1956, Franz Jetzinger, Hitlers Jugend: Phantasien, Lügen und die Wahrheit (Europa-Verlag, Wien/Vienna)



Borrowing from German Hitler.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /ˈ(h)it.leʁ/

Proper noun

Hitler m

  1. Hitler (Adolf Hitler, German dictator)

Derived terms


Hitler m (plural Hitlers or Hitleres)

  1. (derogatory) Hitler (a dictatorial or excessively bossy person)

Derived terms


Proper noun

Hitler m

  1. Hitler (Adolf Hitler, German dictator)