Definition 2025
I'll be a monkey's uncle
- (idiomatic) (often preceded by well) expressing complete surprise or disbelief
- Well I’ll be a monkey's uncle! I would never have thought that tourists would go into space!
- **** me running! (taboo slang)
- blimey! (UK)
- bloody ****! (coarse UK slang)
- bugger me! (taboo UK slang)
- butter my butt and call me a biscuit!
- Christ!, Christ almighty!
- crikey!, (Australian slang)
- damn!
- fancy that!
- **** ****! (taboo slang)
- **** me! (taboo slang)
- get out of town!
- get outta town!
- God!
- good God!
- good gracious!
- goodness me!
- I'll be!
- I'll be damned!
- I'll be dipped in ****!
- Jesus!, Jesus Christ!
- my God!
- my goodness!
- shut the front door!
- stone me!
- stone the crows!
- strike me pink!
- what do you know!
- you don’t say?
- great Scott!