Definition 2025



See also: Luksemburgā


Luksemburga (Eiropā)
Luksemburgas karogs
Luksemburga (Beļģijā)
Luksemburgas provinces karogs
Luksemburgas provinces karogs

Proper noun

Luksemburga f (4th declension)

  1. Luxembourg (small country in Western Europe, with Luxembourg as its capital)
    Luksemburgas karogs ― the flag of Luxembourg
    Luksemburgas premjerministers ― the prime minister of Luxembourg
    administratīvi Luksemburga iedalās trīs distriktos ― administratively, Luxembourg is divided into three districts
  2. Luxembourg (largest city and capital of the country of Luxembourg)
    Luksemburga ir pilsēta Luksemburgas Lielhercogistē, kur atrodas vairākas ES iestādesLuxembourg is a city in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, where a number of EU (European Union) institutions are located
  3. Luxembourg (a province in Belgium, bordering the country of Luxembourg)
    Luksemburga ir Beļģijas province Valonijas apgabalāLuxembourg is a province of Belgium in the Walloon region



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