Definition 2025





Muslimlover (plural Muslimlovers)

  1. (rare, nonstandard) A person who appeases or sympathizes with Muslims.
    • 2004, Oliver Klajn, Chaim Ben Pesach for president, in soc.culture.israel, Usenet:
      The smartest living American is genius from Jewish Task Force Chaim Ben Pesach. Bush is bad president and a Muslimlover Clinton was worse president ever and his ugly dike **** Hilary they bombed Serbia two make Islamic Albanian Kosovo and stabbed Israel in the back by []
    • 2000, Hildar2, Re: Another nazi behavior of syriacs (or the so-called "peace partners") against jewish people, in talk.politics.mideast, Usenet:
      Isn't it ironic? the very organization which kissed the backsides of that Arab/Muslimlover,
    • '2005, WJ20K, Re: Suport our brothers from Gush Chatif, in soc.culture.israel, Usenet:
      Od Kahane chai I admire heroic strugle of Jewish pioneer Chalutzim against the Bolshevik regime or traitor Muslimlover and cameljockey **** Ariel Sharon.