Northern Hemisphere (plural Northern Hemispheres)
- The hemisphere of the Earth (or any celestial body) to the north of its equator.
hemisphere to the north of its equator
- Arabic: نِصْف اَلْكُرَة الْأَرْضِيَّة الشَّمَالِيّ m (niṣf al-kura l-ʾarḍiyya š-šamāliyy)
- Armenian: հյուսիսային կիսագունդ (hyusisayin kisagund)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 北半球 (zh) (běibànqiú)
- Dutch: noordelijke halfrond n
- Finnish: pohjoinen pallonpuolisko
- French: hémisphère nord (fr) m, hémisphère boréal m
- German: Nordhalbkugel (de) f
- Hindi: उत्तरी गोलार्ध (uttarī gōlārdha)
- Icelandic: Norðurhvel n
- Italian: emisfero boreale m
- Japanese: 北半球 (kitahankyū)
- Korean: 북반구 (ko) (bukbangu) (北半球 (ko))
- Luxembourgish: Nordhallefkugel f, nërdlech Hallefkugel f, nërdlech Hemisphär f
- Portuguese: hemisfério norte m
- Russian: Се́верное полуша́рие n (Sévernoje polušárije)
- Spanish: hemisferio norte m
- Swedish: norra halvklotet n (definite singular)
- Vietnamese: bắc bán cầu (vi) (北半球)