Definition 2025


Open8@Chest-PalmBack Open8@Sternum-PalmBack

American Sign Language

Alternative forms

  • (with a double motion) Open8@Chest-PalmBack Upanddown Open8@Sternum-PalmBack (FEEL+)


  • This one-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the dominant hand in the “open 8” handshape on the chest, dominant palm facing back.
    2. While maintaining contact with the chest, move the hand up to the following posture.
    3. Posture the dominant hand in the “open 8” handshape on the sternum, dominant palm facing back.


Upload png, jpg, or gif image. (ASL gloss: FEEL)

  1. to feel
    (ASL gloss) YOU FEEL+ ALRIGHT? — “Do you feel alright?”
    NO, ME FEEL SO-SO. — “No. I feel so-so [not so good].”
  2. to sense
  3. (transitive) to think (something) without being certain; to believe tentatively; to feel that
    (ASL gloss) ME FEEL COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT. — “I feel that communication is important.”


Upload png, jpg, or gif image. (ASL gloss: FEELING)

  1. feeling; sensation
  2. emotion
  3. motive