Definition 2025
OpenB@NearSideNosehigh-FingerUp OpenB@SideNosehigh-FingerForward
American Sign Language
Alternative forms
- (extending farther ahead to indcate the remote future) OpenB@NearSideNosehigh-FingerUp OpenB@DistalSideNosehigh-FingerForward
- This one-handed ASL sign has two postures:
- Posture the dominant hand in the “open B” handshape just forward of the shoulder at nose height, fingers pointing up.
- Move the hand forward to the following posture.
- Posture the dominant hand in the “open B” handshape about an elbow's length in front of the body, at nose height, fingers slightly forward.
- Posture the dominant hand in the “open B” handshape just forward of the shoulder at nose height, fingers pointing up.
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Usage notes
As with other signs indicating tense, this sign always appears before the first verb that refers to the described timeframe. If subsequent verbs, phrases, or sentences refer to the same time period, the sign is typically not repeated.