Definition 2025


Oscar the Grouch


Proper noun

Oscar the Grouch

  1. A cranky, antisocial puppet character who lives in a garbage can, from the children's television show Sesame Street.
    • 1989, Linda Gray Sexton, Points of Light, Harper Mass Market Paperbacks, ISBN 0380706849, page 97
      If I'd had a trash can I'd have looked a lot like Oscar the Grouch.
    • 1989, J. Steven Reznick, Perspectives on Behavioral Inhibition, University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0226710408, page 27
      The room was equipped with a drum and drumsticks, two large balls, three large building blocks, a stuffed cloth horse, a train large enough to sit on, and a pop-up “Oscar the Grouch” toy. The procedure lasted ten minutes.
    • 1989, Joan J. Zilbach, Children in Family Therapy: Treatment and Training, Haworth Press, ISBN 0866567747, page 166
      Meanwhile Brooke was sitting on Mother’s lap sucking on her pacifier while Terri build a low enclosed building with two sheep inside and Oscar-the-Grouch coming outside.
    • 2002 James Earl Hardy, The Day Eazy-E Died, Alyson Publishing, ISBN 1555837603, page 78
      “You got a bank at home?”
      “Yes, my piggy bank.”
      “Ah. What kinda bank is it?”
      Oscar the Grouch. Uncle D gave it to me for my birthday, remember?”
    • 2002, Jennifer Hanson, The Real Freshman Handbook, A Totally Honest Guide to Life on Campus, Houghton Mifflin Books, page 41
      You thought something was funny when Dad donned his Oscar the Grouch suit and hopped in the trash can after the evening news, rope in hand.
    • 2004, Paul McCusker, The Mill House, Zondervan, ISBN 0310253543, page 105
      Nicholas was hopeful that the pop culture displays would give them something to talk about. It didn't. Fran and Ron gave a cursory acknowledgement to Howdy Doody, Oscar the Grouch, and only a brief glace at Dorothy’s ruby-red slippers.
    • 2003, Laurie Faria Stolarz, Blue Is for Nightmares, Llewellyn Worldwide, ISBN 0738703915, page 82
      I notice a pair of Oscar the Grouch flip-flops, standing in the last stall.
    • 2007, Tim Beyers, Quick Take: United Undone, The Motley Fool
      Cranky employees harassed by justifiably cranky customers ... Oscar the Grouch would be thrilled. Investors, not so much.

See also