Webster 1913 Edition



Harm; ruin; also, reproach; disgrace.

Definition 2024




Alternative forms

  • senshyp


shendship (uncountable)

  1. (obsolete) Disgrace.
    • c.1390, Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Parson's Tale", The Canterbury Tales:
      And therfore resonably may be seyd Jhesu in this manere: "to muchel am I peyned for the thynges that I nevere deserved, and to muche defouled for shendshipe that man is worthy to have."
    • 1903, A. W. Pollard (ed.), Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory (1485) , volume II, Bk. XII, chapter XIII:
      Alas, said Sir Galleron, that is pity that so good a knight [] should be unchristened. So God me help, said Sir Tristram, either he shall slay me or I him but that he shall be christened or ever we depart in-sunder. My lord Sir Tristram, said Sir Galleron, your renown and worship is well known through many realms, and God save you this day from shenship and shame.
      1485, Sir Thomas Malory, chapter xiij, in Le Morte Darthur, book XII:
      Allas said syr Galleron/ that is pyte that soo good a knyghte and soo noble a man of armes shold be vncrystened / Soo god me help said sir Tristram outher he shalle slee me or I hym / but that he shalle be crystened / or euer we departe in sonder / My lord syr Tristram said sir Galeron / your renoume and worship is wel knowen thorou many reames / and god saue yow this day from senshyp and shame