Definition 2025


SmallO@NearTipThumb-PalmDown-SmallO@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp CirclesSurface Contact

American Sign Language

Alternative forms

  • The hands may be not directly above and below each other, but at a comfortable diagonal. Regardless, the imaginary line between the thumb tips is perpendicular to both palms.


  • This two-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the nondominant hand in the “Small O” handshape in front of the center of the chest, nondominant palm facing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “Small O” handshape with the tip of the dominant thumb and index finger near the tip of the nondominant thumb and index finger, dominant palm facing down. Imagine a line running through both thumb tips. The imaginary line should be perpendicular to both palms.
    2. Hold both hands still briefly
    3. Move the dominant hand so the tip of the thumb and finger encircles the imaginary line one or more times.
    4. Drop the dominant hand down along the imaginary line so the tip of the dominant thumb and finger contacts the tip of the nondominant thumb and finger.
    5. Hold both hands still briefly


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  1. exact; precise; perfect


  • (exact, precise, perfect): K@NearTipFinger-PalmDown-K@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp CirclesSurface Contact


  • (exact, precise, perfect): 5@Side-PalmForward CirclesVert (APPROXIMATE)


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  1. exactly; precisely; perfectly