Definition 2025
a bharrachd
Scottish Gaelic
a bharrachd
- in addition, as well, beside, besides, either
- Chan eil mi ag iarraidh càil a bharrachd. - I don't want anything else.
- Dè na h-òrain as toil leat a bharrachd iad seo? - Which songs do you like besides these?
- Cha robh e òg, agus cha robh e slàn a bharrachd. - He wasn't young, and he wasn't healthy either.
Usage notes
- Can also convey the meaning of English adjetives additional, extra, spare:
- Bidh busaichean a bharrachd a dol ann aig àm na fèise. - Extra buses go there at the time of the festival.
- Bha dìreach aon phaidhir shocaisean a bharrachd agam. - I had just one pair of spare socks.
Derived terms