Definition 2025






  1. supine of accipiō



  1. nominative neuter singular of acceptus
  2. accusative masculine singular of acceptus
  3. accusative neuter singular of acceptus
  4. vocative neuter singular of acceptus


  • acceptum in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • acceptum in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “acceptum”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) on receiving the news: nuntio allato or accepto
    • (ambiguous) having exchanged pledges, promises: fide data et accepta (Sall. Iug. 81. 1)
    • (ambiguous) after mutual greeting: salute data (accepta) redditaque
    • (ambiguous) for a trifle, a beggarly pittance: nummulis acceptis (Att. 1. 16. 6)
    • (ambiguous) account-book; ledger: codex or tabulae ratio accepti et expensi
    • (ambiguous) to put down to a man's credit: alicui acceptum referre aliquid (Verr. 2. 70. 170)
    • (ambiguous) the account of receipts and expenditure: ratio acceptorum et datorum (accepti et expensi) (Amic. 16. 58)
    • (ambiguous) after many had been wounded on both sides: multis et illatis et acceptis vulneribus (B. G. 1. 50)
    • (ambiguous) wounds (scars) on the breast: vulnera adverso corpore accepta
    • (ambiguous) much damage was done by this collision: ex eo navium concursu magnum incommodum est acceptum