Definition 2025




Alternative forms


adsistō (present infinitive adsistere, perfect active adstitī); third conjugation, no passive

  1. Alternative form of assistō


   Conjugation of adsisto (third conjugation, active only)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present adsistō adsistis adsistit adsistimus adsistitis adsistunt
imperfect adsistēbam adsistēbās adsistēbat adsistēbāmus adsistēbātis adsistēbant
future adsistam adsistēs adsistet adsistēmus adsistētis adsistent
perfect adstitī adstitistī adstitit adstitimus adstitistis adstitērunt, adstitēre
pluperfect adstiteram adstiterās adstiterat adstiterāmus adstiterātis adstiterant
future perfect adstiterō adstiteris adstiterit adstiterimus adstiteritis adstiterint
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present adsistam adsistās adsistat adsistāmus adsistātis adsistant
imperfect adsisterem adsisterēs adsisteret adsisterēmus adsisterētis adsisterent
perfect adstiterim adstiterīs adstiterit adstiterīmus adstiterītis adstiterint
pluperfect adstitissem adstitissēs adstitisset adstitissēmus adstitissētis adstitissent
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present adsiste adsistite
future adsistitō adsistitō adsistitōte adsistuntō
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives adsistere adstitisse
participles adsistēns
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
adsistere adsistendī adsistendō adsistendum