Definition 2025



Norwegian Bokmål


akseptere (imperative aksepter, present tense aksepterer, simple past aksepterte, past participle akseptert, present participle aksepterende)

  1. to accept, tolerate, agree to (see godta)
    Jeg kommer ikke til å akseptere at du farer frem slik.
    I will not tolerate you behaving like that.
    Fotballen vet at den er kjedelig og aksepterer det. Heldigvis. (Norwegian Wikiquote citation of Dag Solstad)
    Football knows it's boring and accepts it. Fortunately.
    Så, hva sier du, aksepterer du tilbudet mitt?
    So, what do you say, do you accept my offer?
  2. (banking) to accept, honour; To agree to pay a certain sum of money.
    Han nektet å akseptere vekselen.
    He refused to honour/accept the bill.


Derived terms

  • akseptering

Related terms


Norwegian Nynorsk


From Latin acceptāre, present active infinitive of acceptō (take or receive willingly), frequentative of acceptus, perfect passive participle of accipiō (receive, accept), derived from ad (to, toward) + capiō (take). Compare aksept, English accept and French accepter.


akseptere (present tense aksepterer; past tense aksepterte; past participle akseptert present participle aksepterende; imperative aksepter)

  1. to accept, tolerate, agree to (see godta)
    Eg kjem ikkje til å akseptere at du farar fram slik.
    I will not tolerate you behaving like that.
    Football knows it's boring and accepts it. Fortunately.
    Så, kva seier du, aksepterer du tilbodet mitt?
    So, what do you say, do you accept my offer?
  2. (banking) to accept, honour; To agree to pay a certain sum of money.
    Han nekta å akseptere vekselen.
    He refused to honour/accept the bill.


Derived terms

  • akseptering

Related terms
