Webster 1913 Edition
.] 1.
The act of tying together or attaching by some bond, or the state of being attached.
A rule relating to the solution of questions concerning the compounding or mixing of different ingredients, or ingredients of different qualities or values.
☞ The rule is named from the method of connecting together the terms by certain ligature-like signs. Alligation is of two kinds, medial and alternate; medial teaching the method of finding the price or quality of a mixture of several simple ingredients whose prices and qualities are known; alternate, teaching the amount of each of several simple ingredients whose prices or qualities are known, which will be required to make a mixture of given price or quality.
Webster 1828 Edition
The act of tying together; the state of being tied. [Little used.]2.
A rule of arithmetic, for finding the price or value of compounds consisting of ingredients of different values. Thus if a quantity of sugar, worth eight cents the pound, and another quantity worth ten cents, are mixed, the question to be solved by alligation is, what is the value of the mixture by the pound. Alligation is of two kinds, medial and alternate; medial, when the rate of a mixture is sought from the rates and quantities of the simples; alternate, when the quantities of the simples are sought from the rates of the simples, and the rate of the mixture.Definition 2025
alligation (plural alligations)
- (obsolete) The act of tying together or attaching by some bond.
- (obsolete) The state of being attached.
- (obsolete) An old and practical method of solving arithmetic problems related to mixtures of ingredients.
- Misspelling of allegation.