
American-style unfiltered, unfermented unpasteurized cider, left;
Apple juice, right.
apple juice (uncountable)
- The juice of apples, often used as a drink.
the juice of apples, often used as a drink
- Korean: 사과 주스 (sagwa juseu)
- Maltese: meraq tat-tuffieħ
- Navajo: bilasáana bitooʼ
- Persian: آب سیب (âb-e sib)
- Portuguese: suco/sumo de maçã m
- Russian: я́блочный сок (ru) m (jábločnyj sok)
- Spanish: (Latin America) jugo de manzana m, (Spain) zumo de manzana m
- Swahili: maji ya matofaa
- Swedish: äppeljuice (sv) c, äppeljos c (rarely)
- Turkish: elma suyu (tr)
- Vietnamese: nước táo