Definition 2025
artse f (plural artsen, masculine arts)
- The first lady that graduated as female doctor was doctor Maria Thomas (from Minahasa), who married later to (male) doctor Mohamad Yusuf; the second Indonesian female doctor was Anna Marouw, who married later with (male) doctor Karamoy.
- 1970, February 2, De Telegraaf: Pokkenpatiënt overleed aan hartkwaal, :
- Volgens de artse is de man echter aan een hartkwaal overleden en niet aan de gevolgen van de pokken.
- According to the female doctor however the man died to a heart disease and not to smallpox.
- 2000, Hollands maandblad, Nummers 626-636, page 82:
- Werd boven de ontblote gordel betast door een artse.
- Was touched above the belt by a female doctor.