Definition 2025





atrast tr., 1st conj., pres. atrodu, atrodi, atrod, past atradu

  1. to find (to get, by searching, something that had been lost, or something necessary, desired)
    atrast pazaudēto atslēgu ― to find the lost key
    atrast pazudušo teātra biļeti ― to find the lost theater tickets
    atrast noklīdušos jērus ― to find the lost lambs
    atrast nomaldījušos slēpotājus ― to find the skiers that had got lost
    atrast piemērot dzīvokli ― to find a suitable apartment
    atrast vajadzīgo ielu ― to find the desired street
    atrast patīkamu darbu ― to find a nice job
    atrast darbam piemērotu cilvēku ― to find the right person for the job
  2. to find, to discover (something hidden or not directly accessible; something forgotten, left somewhere)
    atrast diamantus taigā ― to find diamants in the taiga
    atrast kļūdas skolnieka darbā ― to find errors in a student's work
    atrast uz ielas naudas maku ― to find a wallet on the street
    atrast autobusā aizmirstu lietussargu ― to find a forgotten umbrella in the bus
    Riņņu kalnā atrasta visvecākā cilvēku apmetne Latvijā ― on the Riņņu mountain (was) found the oldest human settlements in Latvia
  3. to find, to discover, to invent; to determine, to deduce, to calculate
    atrast jaunu ķīmisku savienojumu ― to find a new chemical compound
    atrast jaunas darbas metodes ― to find new work methods
    atrast vairāku skaitļu summu ― to find the sum of several numbers
    atrast kopējo saucēju daļskaitļiem ― to find the common denominator of fractions
    atrast izeju sarežģītā situacijā ― to find one's way out in a difficult situation
    atrast motivāciju savam lēmumam ― to find a motivation for one's decision
    atrast attaisnojumu biedra rīcībai ― to find an excuse for a colleague's actions
  4. to find (to choose mentally, e.g. words, means, etc.)
    atrast īstos vārdus, īsto atbildi ― to find the right words, the right answer
    atrast pareizo pieeju katram bērnam ― to find the right approach for every child
  5. (of time) to find (to dedicate, to use for some purpose)
    atrast brīvu brīdi ― to find a free moment (for something)
    viens vai otrs no Augusta draugiem arvien atrada laiku viņu visur pavadīt ― one or other of Augsts' friends always found time to accompany him everywhere
  6. to find, to meet, to see (to see that someone or something is somewhere, doing something, in a certain state)
    atrast paziņu mājās ― to find a friend at home
    atrast bērnu guļam ― to find the child sleeping
    kādu vakaru Gijo atrada dzīvokli tukšu ― one night Gijo found the apartment empty
  7. (of qualities) to find, to see, to perceive
    atrast daudz vērtīga sava drauga raksturā ― to find a lot of valuable (features) in a friend's character
    daudz asas ironijas atrodam E. Veidenbauma satīriskajā dzejā ― we find a lot of sharp irony in E. Veidenbaums' satirical poetry
  8. to find, to get, to obtain, to have
    atrast piekritējus ― to find adherents, followers
    atrast glābiņu, atbalsi ― to find refuge, support
    atrast prieku darbā ― to find joy in work
    atrast laimi ģimenē ― to find happiness in (one's) family
    pie krieviem atradām mēs draugus, palīgus ― among the Russians we found friends, helpers
    atradusi ar ko spēlēties ― (she) found something to play with

atrast intr., 1st conj., pres. atrodu, atrodi, atrod, past atradu

  1. to wean, to lose a connection, a habit
    atrast no mājām ― to wean from home
    šķiroties man vecāku nebija ne drusciņ žēl: biju it jautrs, smējos, lēkāju ap kamanām, tā ka vecmāmuļa piezīmēja: “lūk, nu, meit, kur drīz tavs dēls no tevis atradis ― I wasn't sorry because of my parents' divorce: I was cheerful, I laughed, jumped around the sleigh, so that my grandmother observed: “look, daughter, there he soon will wean from you”
  2. to lose a skill, an ability; to grow unaccustomed
    rokas atradušas no smaga darba ― hands (that have) grown unaccustomed to heavy work
    karavīri iegāja mežā un sāka kāpt kalnā; tas nebija viegli, jo kājas bija atradušas staigāt ― the soldiers went into the forest and began to climb the hill; this was not easy, because (their) legs had become unaccustomed to walking


Derived terms

  • atrasties


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), rast”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7