Webster 1913 Edition



A large American serpent, so called from the sound it makes.

Webster 1828 Edition



A large serpent found in America, of a harmless nature, and remarkable for uttering a sound like bom.

Definition 2025



See also: bom, BOM, BoM, bôm, and bơm



bờm (𣭛)

  1. (of a horse, lion or cheetah) mane
  2. a headband
  • (mane): hồng mao

Etymology 2

Perhaps from a folktale of a silly, clumsy boy named "Bờm", who was offered many valuable things in exchange for his fan, but refused them all and only accepted a handful of sticky rice. This tale is usually expressed in poetic form.

Thằng Bờm có cái quạt mo
Phú ông xin đổi ba bò chín trâu
Bờm rằng Bờm chẳng lấy trâu
Phú ông xin đổi một xâu cá mè
Bờm rằng Bờm chẳng lấy mè
Phú ông xin đổi một bè gỗ lim
Bờm rằng Bờm chẳng lấy lim
Phú ông xin đổi con chim đồi mồi
Bờm rằng Bờm chẳng lấy mồi
Phú ông xin đổi nắm xôi, Bờm cười.

Bờm-boy'd got a spathe fan
Rich man asked for it for three bulls and nine buffaloes
Bờm said Bờm wanted no buffaloes
Rich man asked for it for a string of barbs
Bờm said Bờm wanted no barbs
Rich man asked for it for a raft made of ge mu
Bờm said Bờm wanted no ge mu
Rich man asked for it for a bird statue made of the shell of a turtle
Bờm said Bờm wanted no turtle
Rich man asked for it for a handful of sticky rice, and Bờm smiled.


bờm (𣭛)

  1. (colloquial) silly and lacking of common sense