ball lightning (uncountable)
- A short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air and thought to consist of ionized gas associated with thunderstorms
a short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air
- Hungarian: gömbvillám
- Italian: fulmine globulare m
- Japanese: 球電 (きゅうでん, kyūden)
- Kazakh: жұмбақ найзағай (jumbaq nayzağay)
- Lithuanian: kamuolinis žaibas
- Norwegian: kulelyn
- Polish: piorun kulisty m
- Portuguese: raio globular m
- Russian: шарова́я мо́лния f (šarovája mólnija)
- Spanish: rayo globular m
- Swedish: klotblixt (sv) c, kulblixt
- Vietnamese: sét hòn