Definition 2025





balss f (6th declension)

  1. (anatomy) voice (sound produced by the human respiratory tract for speaking, singing, etc.)
    spēcīga balss ― strong voice
    balss trīc, dreb ― the voice trembles
    balss tembrs, spēks, augstumsvoice timbre, power, pitch
    balss aparātsspeech (lit. voice) organs
    balss saitesvocal cords
    lasīt balsī ― to read out loud (lit. to read in voice)
    pacelt, raudāt balsi ― to lower, to raise one's voice
  2. voice, intonation (how a person's voice sounds, expressing or revealing mental states)
    priecīga, skumja balss ― happy, sad voice
    dusmīga, mierīga, vienaldzīga balss ― angry, calm, indifferent voice
  3. voice (someone who cannot be seen but can be heard)
    kadā balss ierunājās aiz muguras ― some voice spoke behind (his) back
  4. voice (metaphorical means of communicating feelings, mental states)
    zemes balss ― the voice of the earth
    sirds balss ― the voice of one's heart
  5. voice (capacity for singing)
    augsta, zema balss ― high, low (pitched) voice
    dziedātāja balss ― a singer's voice
    balss diapazonsvoice range
  6. (polyphonic music) voice (single melodic line)
    augšējā balss ― the upper voice
    pastāvīga balss ― constant voice
    balsu kustībavoice movement
    dziedāt pirmo balsi ― to sing the first voice
    dziesma divām balsīm ― a song for two voices
  7. voice (sounds and calls produced by animals)
    putnu balsis ― bird songs
    lakstīgalas balss ― nightingale's voice
  8. voice (sound produced by natural phenomena or objects)
    vēja balss ― the voice of the wind
  9. voice (general thoughts, beliefs, of a group of people)
    tautas balss ― the voice of the people
    sabiedrības balss ― the voice of society, public voice
  10. voice (expression of a mental state)
    naida balss ― the voice of hate
    cilvēcības balss ― the voice of humanity
  11. voice (capacity or opportunity to express one's opinion)
    tauta, kam bija atņemta sava balss ― a people who had been deprived of their voice
  12. vote (citizen's will, expressed in an election, a referendum)
    nodot, atdot, dot (savu) balsi ― to give one's vote, to vote
  13. vote (opinion, to be counted, expressed in a debate or discussion)
    izšķirt jautājumu ar balsu vairākumu ― to settle the question by majority vote
    absolūtais balsu vairākums ― absolute voting majority


Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), balss”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7