Definition 2025



See also: beagán

Scottish Gaelic


beagan m (genitive singular beagain, no plural)

  1. a few, a small number
    beagan mhionaidean ― a few minutes
    an ceann beagain làithean ― at the end of a few days
  2. a little, a small amount, bit, a bit
    beagan uisge ― a little water
    beagan bìdh ― a bit of food

Usage notes

  • Followed by the genitive case, de and the dative case, or a prepositional pronoun derived from de:
    beagan ime / beagan de dh'ìm ― a small amount of butter
    beagan dhinn ― a few of us
  • Used where English uses determiner, adverb or pronoun.
    beagan chàirdean ― a few friends
    beagan dhiubh ― a small number of them
    beagan nas sine ― a bit older / slightly older
    beagan nas slaodaiche ― a little more slowly
    Tha i dìreach beagan is còig ceud meatair. ― It’s just a little over five hundred metres.
    Tha airgead aig beagan. ― A few [people] have money.
    Bha e doirbh airson bheagain. ― It was difficult for a few.


Related terms


  • Faclair Gàidhlig Dwelly Air Loidhne, Dwelly, Edward (1911), Faclair Gàidhlig gu Beurla le Dealbhan/The Illustrated [Scottish] Gaelic-English Dictionary (10th ed.), Edinburgh: Birlinn Limited, ISBN 0 901771 92 9
  • becán” in Dictionary of the Irish Language, Royal Irish Academy, 1913–76.