Webster 1913 Edition
Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one’s self; conduct; deportment; carriage; – used also of inanimate objects;
as, the
. behavior
of a ship in a storm; the behavior
of the magnetic needleA gentleman that is very singular in his
. Steele.
To be upon one's good behavior
, To be put upon one's good behavior
to be in a state of trial, in which something important depends on propriety of conduct.
– During good behavior
, while (or so long as) one conducts one's self with integrity and fidelity or with propriety.
Syn. – Bearing; demeanor; manner.
, Conduct
. Behavior is the mode in which we have or bear ourselves in the presence of others or toward them; conduct is the mode of our carrying ourselves forward in the concerns of life. Behavior respects our manner of acting in particular cases; conduct refers to the general tenor of our actions. We may say of soldiers, that their conduct had been praiseworthy during the whole campaign, and their behavior admirable in every instance when they met the enemy. Webster 1828 Edition
Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; conduct; manners; carriage of one's self, with respect to propriety, or morals; deportment. It expresses external appearance or action; sometimes in a particular character; more generally in the common duties of life; as, our future destiny depends on our behavior in this life. It may express correct or good manners, but I doubt whether it ever expresses the idea of elegance of manners,without another word to qualify it.
To be upon one's behavior, is to be in a state of trial, in which something important depends on propriety of conduct. The modern phrase is, to be or to be put, upon one's good behavior.
Definition 2025
See also: behaviour
Alternative forms
- behaviour (everywhere except US)
- behavoure, behavier, behavor, behavour (all obsolete)
behavior (usually uncountable, plural behaviors) (American)
- (uncountable) Human conduct relative to social norms.
- (uncountable) The way a living creature behaves or acts generally.
- (uncountable, informal) A state of probation about one's conduct.
- He was on his best behavior when her family visited.
- (countable) An instance of the way a living creature behaves.
- (countable, uncountable, biology, psychology) Observable response produced by an organism.
- (uncountable) The way a device or system operates.
Usage notes
- Adjectives often applied to "behavior": human, animal, physical, chemical, mechanical, electrical, organizational, corporate, social, collective, parental, interpersonal, sexual, criminal, appropriate, inappropriate, correct, incorrect, right, wrong, good, bad, acceptable, unacceptable, poor, ethical, unethical, moral, immoral, responsible, irresponsible, normal, odd, deviant, abnormal, violent, abusive, aggressive, offensive, defensive, rude, stupid, undesirable, verbal, nonverbal, learned, professional, unprofessional, adaptive, compulsive, questionable, assertive, disgusting, self-destructive.
Related terms
the actions of organisms
way an animal or human behaves or acts
way matter or systems behave