body mass index (plural body mass indices)
- a statistical measure of the weight of a person scaled according to height, used to estimate if a person is underweight or overweight. BMI units are defined as ≈ .
the measure of the weight in comparison with the height of a person
- Estonian: kehamassiindeks (et)
- Finnish: painoindeksi
- French: indice de masse corporelle (fr) m, IMC (fr) m
- German: Körpermasseindex m, Körpermassezahl f
- Greek: δείκτης μάζας σώματος m (deíktis mázas sómatos), ΔΜΣ m (DMS)
- Indonesian: indeks massa tubuh
- Malay: indeks **** badan, indeks **** tubuh
- Portuguese: índice de massa corporal (pt) m
- Romanian: indice de masă corporală, indice de greutate corporală m
- Swedish: kroppsmasseindex n, BMI (sv) n