Definition 2025





buriall (plural burialls)

  1. Obsolete spelling of burial
    • 1663-1664, Samuel Pepys, Diary of Samuel Pepys, March 1663/64:
      And being come to the grave as above, Dr. Pierson, the minister of the parish, did read the service for buriall: and so I saw my poor brother laid into the grave; and so all broke up; and I and my wife and Madam Turner and her family to my brother's, and by and by fell to a barrell of oysters, cake, and cheese, of Mr. Honiwood's, with him, in his chamber and below, being too merry for so late a sad work.
    • 1665-1676, Sir John Lauder, Publications of the Scottish History Society, Vol. 36:
      Came throw Restalrig toune, wheir stands an old chappel, the buriall place of the Lo: of Balmerinoch: also of old the parish church of South Leith, so that the minister of South Leith even now is parsone at this kirk, at least denominat so.
    • 1851, Various, Notes and Queries, Number 75, April 5, 1851:
      (2) "A true and perfect narrative of the most remarkable passages relating to king Charles the first of blessed memory, written by the proper land of S^r Thomas Herbert baronet, who attended upon his ma^{tie} from Newcastle upon Tine, when he was sold by the Scotts, during the whole time of his greatest afflictions, till his death and buriall; w^{ch} was sent to me S^r Will^m Dugdale knight, garter principall king of armes, in Michaellmasse Terme a^o. 1678, by the said S^r Thomas Herbert, from Yorke, where he resideth."
    • 1898, William Bradford, Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation':
      But their enterprise failed, for it pleased God to visite these Indeans with a great sicknes, and such a mortalitie that of a 1000. above 900. and a halfe of them dyed, and many of them did rott above ground for want of buriall, and y^e Dutch men allmost starved before they could gett away, for ise and snow.