Webster 1913 Edition



The larva of two species of geometrid moths which are very injurious to fruit and shade trees by eating, and often entirely destroying, the foliage. Other similar larvæ are also called cankerworms.
☞ The autumnal species (
Anisopteryx pometaria
) becomes adult late in autumn (after frosts) and in winter. The spring species (
Anisopteryx vernata
) remains in the ground through the winter, and matures in early spring. Both have winged males and wingless females. The larvæ are similar in appearance and habits, and belong to the family of measuring worms or spanworms. These larvæ hatch from the eggs when the leaves begin to expand in spring.

Definition 2025





cankerworm (plural cankerworms)

  1. Either of two caterpillars, the larvae of geometrid moths, that are destructive to fruit, buds and leaves.
  2. (figuratively) A corrupting or destructive force.
    • 1596, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, IV.2:
      O cursed Eld the cankerworme of writs, / How may these rimes, so rude as doth appeare, / Hope to endure, sith workes of heauenly wits / Are quite deuourd, and brought to nought by little bits?